
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Ever-Evolving Culture and the Culture of Lutheranism

   Recently, due to the influx of conservative Mennonites and Amish into my rural community, I have begun to reflect on the conflict between traditional culture and what I call "the ever-evolving culture."  I am reading extensively now on Amish history and practice, trying to better understand my new neighbors.  Yet as I do I realize parallels to my own struggle within the Lutheran church and its divergent 'cultures.'  My traditional, rural parish still reflects the worship and practices of previous generations. We use hymnals. We follow the established liturgies. We sing the 'old' hymns. But the lure to newer and more progressive parishes looms large.  Some churches cater to this increasingly casual culture, offering a 'style' of worship that has easy access and little demand.  It is well suited to a generation that eschews anything formal, preferring to dress down and enjoy church much like one might enjoy an outdoor music festival on a