Can You Be a Christian and Not Go to Church?
The other day at a graveside committal service, an elderly woman confessed that she still had not found a church where she felt comfortable becoming a member. She has lived in the area now for over five years, yet remains as so many are out there - disconnected people who avoid church but claim to be committed Christians. This is not the first time I have talked with people who are quick to claim their status as believers while holding to their right to be private worshipers. Yet this begs a significant question in this culture of cafeteria-style faith shopping. Can one truly claim to be a Christian while still actively avoiding the fellowship of other believers? C.F.W. Walther, first president of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, commented that “it is certain that he who first neglects divine services and gatherings of the congregation has therefore already separated himself from the church.” Harsh words? Perhaps. But what is a person saying when they willingly avoid belonging to ...