The Evolution Debate Continues...
After several months of silence someone found an article I wrote back in May of 2009 on Dr. Francis Collins and the issue of Evolution and decided to leave a comment, which I was notified of via email. This led to a bit of a 'dialogue' on the whole issue in the comments section, which may still be continuing as I wait to see if more comments are yet posted. I bring this up to any of my readers would might be interested in the subject, as you would not know of this (since it is a past article out of view) and I wanted to see what any of you thought of the recent conversation. These 'conversations' have happened in the past on the Northwoods Seelsorger , and it is interesting to witness the mood and emotions of the debate from both sides of the isle. Without becoming too defensive, I seem to sense a bit of condescension on the part of evolutionists, especially as they try ever so deftly to inform those of other views that they are somehow illogical, backwards, nar...