LCMS Publishes a Booklet Summarizing Teaching and Practice in the Synod

In the mail this week I also received an additional book discussing doctrine, this one published by the Synod itself. Entitled This We Believe - Selected Topics of Faith and Practice in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod , the preface notes that this work was commissioned by the president of the Synod as a "brief summary of the official position of the Synod on important matters of doctrine and practice" in response to numerous requests from members of synod for information where the Synod stands on various issues. 88 pages long and containing sections on dozens of topics ranging from Abortion to Worship Practices, This We Believe provides a much needed resource to the church and its leaders in addressing the many questions and inquiries of our members. The booklet also includes three appendices with the "Brief Statement," "A Statement of Scriptural and Confessional Principles," and "An Introduction to the Synod President's Report to the 2009 ...