Pastor, May We Talk About Your Sermon?

The following was published recently in the ALPB Forum Letter , an edited and expanded version of what I originally wrote as a simple post on a discussion board. I used it for my online preaching course this summer , and I'm putting it here to archive it for future use, and in the event anyone discovers it and finds it useful for their own purpose. “Pastor, can we talk abou t your sermon?” by Don Engebretson Pastors differ on the proper and most effective way to evaluate their sermons. They begin by receiving grades on their homiletical efforts by seminar y professors, and they receive further feedback from supervisors in the field. These critiques judge the content and delivery according to academic standard s of biblical content, balance of Law and Gospel, organization by proper outlines, and the technical aspects of public speaking techniques. So pastors-to-be write for their teachers with an imagined congregation in their mind, but they are primarily writi...