The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Visitation, like the Ascension, is one of the many festivals of the church that receives little to no notice in many parts of the church today. One of the benefits of this blog for me has been the opportunity to share these forgotten festivals with others despite the fact that many churches like mine will not gather for any act of worship in honor of the occasion. The more modern three-year lectionary places the date of this minor festival on today, May 31. However, the older lectionary places it on July 2. I have to admit that I do not understand the shuffling of dates that has occurred between the calenders in the last century or so. Certainly there is a good reason, but it will require more research. This festival is also a relative newcomer to the church calendar. According to The Christian Calendar by Cowie and Gummer , "It was the Franciscans who first observed it in the West and their devotion was confirmed at the Council of Basle ." They also note t...