Out For a Little While

As I write this I am sitting at Tesomas Boy Scout Camp (Rhinelander, WI) where my son is spending the week. I agreed to serve as scoutmaster for the week, so I am quite busy. It's like being a dad to 19 junior high through senior high kids: camp counselor, troop administrator, troubleshooter, surrogate dad, etc... When I get back on Saturday I will have just enough time to prepare for the weekend, and then then I'm off again. This time it will be Concordia Seminary in St. Louis for the Church Writer's Workshop. I will be at the workshop until the Saturday following this one.
I enjoy writing this blog, so count on me being back and writing soon again. But first I have to catch up with myself :)

Blessings to all who stop here along the way and read!
Don Engebretson, dad, pastor, temporarily insane scoutmaster hoping I won't get 'tapped out' this evening at the OA ceremony....