Do Stay-at-Home Moms Damage Their Children?

The title to this article presents an odd question. However, it was raised by one of the writers to Dear Abby and reflects a deep seated concern in our times regarding women, children, traditional families, and the role of women in society. This mother from Texas claims that she loves being with her children and taking care of them. Yet, she wonders: "Am I doing long term damage to them by being so dependent on their father for everything?

To her credit, Abby affirms the value of a loving mother. "How can having a mother in the house whose focus is on their welfare and development be damaging?" she asks. "Most children should be so fortunate." Indeed. Nevertheless, I suspect that there are those out there who would answer differently, advising this women to get out there an find a career so that her children had the proper role model of an independent and thoroughly self-sufficient woman. The irony of this woman's question is that the problem of our society is too few engaged and committed mothers, not too few independent career-minded ones.

God elevated motherhood as one of the highest honors a woman could know. It is also one of the greatest responsibilities in one's life: shaping and molding and directing the futures of countless children who will be the leaders of tomorrow. My wife has been an at-home mom now for 19 years and I thank God for the invaluable contribution she had made to their welfare and development as healthy, well-rounded individuals. Praise be to God for faithful motherhood!


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