District Convention Updates

For those who would like to keep up with events and decisions of the ongoing District Conventions of the LCMS, the writer of Preachrblog has a great summary at this site.

I noticed that no one has yet submitted a report of the North Wisconsin District, of which I am a member. The convention in Green Bay was fairly non-eventful, in that it was quiet and did not involve controversial issues that elicited any spirited debate. The current president, Joel Hoelter was reelected to a second term. All current vice presidents were also reelected to additional three year terms as well. As with all the district conventions there was a report on the Blue Ribbon Committee on Structure, which is probably better reviewed by others, as you can find at the site above.

For my part I am just relieved to be done, as I had the responsibility for the worship and daily devotions of this convention. Despite the predictable glitches, overall it seemed to go well from my perspective. Now I can retreat back into semi obscurity.....


Peter said…
Glad to hear things are quiet up your way.

BTW, I've applied for a teaching position in Green Bay and was wondering what the winters are like... I've lived in the Dallas area all my life (it was 104 today).

North Wisconsin winters vary from relatively mild to somewhat harsh, depending on the year. Our snow fall is usually less than the heavy stuff they experience in the northeastern US, yet there are times of significant snow fall throughout the November to early April winter period. Temperatures also vary with some years plunging deep into the subzero area, although this is not consistent and you usually find temps more in the above zero to freezing during most of that season. Compared to some places in the US, I would say that Northern Wisconsin winters are average. The only problem is their duration. Snow can predictably be expected to fall as early as around deer season in late November with freezing or near freezing temps coming then as well, with the last snow fall as late as into the second week of April.

BTW, it was around 90 here yesterday, so we do get some nice warm summers as well (even though they are short compared to yours.) It's the humidity that kills us, however :)

Hope that helps!
Matthew said…
I too thought the NWD onvention was uneventful. Although I can't say I'm thrilled about a resolution to watch a movie. Now I have to preview the thing and then go about researching how to legally view the thing.... Grrr...

I did appreciate the Divine Servic and the opportunity to worship with my fellow pastors and chuch servants. Wanted to let you know that you did an excellent job with the services. Thanks... and blessings!
I was concerned about the same thing with respect to the movie. Somehow there has to be some law governing the *public* showing of a movie like this. I wish that they would have addressed that in the resolution.

Thank you for your compliment on the worship! It is a relief to know that it all came out without any noticeable disasters along the way :)

Jeff said…
The only way to decide about a Wisconsin winter is to live in it for awhile. Personally there is no place I'd rather be.

Thank you for posting Pastor Chryst's blog. I haen't been there for years and the Synod needs more young men like him.
Unknown said…
Thank you for the worship service that primarily came from the hymnal. It was refreshing at a District Convention/Pastor Conference that we used the liturgy as it's found in the hymnal. Well done!
Thank you Travis! I understand from years of attending conferences and conventions myself how important it is to have worship you recognize and is faithful to what we believe and confess.

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