The Ordination of Women and Dr. Matthew Becker - Again

Dr. Becker clearly wants a reaction.  His continued rhetoric on the topic of women's ordination begs for a response.  However, one wonders whether the powers that be in the LC-MS have paid any notice, which, I suspect, is what he most desires.  He seems to be a rather lone voice in the wilderness on this one - at least in the cyber-wilderness of the Missouri Synod.  It is tempting to respond, yet the approach of Dr. Becker makes it hard to address the issue without falling into the morass of emotionally-laden rhetoric.  He appeals to all those crushed spirits denied what their hearts have told them was good, right and salutary.  They have felt the call, so who can deny them?  He lists testimonials and sympathetic cheers to bolster the appearance of a groundswell of support from the grassroots.  An accusation of legalism makes an attempt to cast a disparaging light on the opposition.  Add to this an appeal to the Hebrew form for Spirit in the feminine voice for scriptural ammunition, only to admit a neutral form in the Greek.  We proved what?  God is still the Father and Jesus is still the Son.  His use of the Trinity unfortunately falls short of convincing us to adopt female pastors.  So this will suffice for a response from this corner.  The discussion has spent itself long ago, although looking to Germany Dr. Becker admires those who continue the seeming dialog, no doubt with the hope that given enough time the tides will turn in his direction.  Given his logic it seems that all theological topics should be open for debate.  Perhaps for this we can eventually adopt a 'fill-in-the-blank creed' so as to always remain current with the prevailing winds of change...


Anonymous said…
All debates are open until liberals have their way. Wonderful double standard.

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