My First Higher Things Conference

By this time next week I will already be well into my first Higher Things conference - Coram Deo.  Although a general invitation was offered to participate possibly as a sectional leader, I elected to pass this time around. I am hoping to do something I seldom do: sit, listen, enjoy, reflect, relax.  It's also a goal to gather information and impressions to take back to the other youth of my congregation and maybe even a neighboring parish or two.  Perhaps next year we will have to commandeer a large van to transport our group.  It's a hope.  My group this time around consists of my son David.....and me. Big group! He will be a senior next year and given that my daughter was able to experience one of the conferences in 2006 ("The Feast") at about the same age, it seemed time again.  I am truly looking forward to the experience and connecting again with fellow Lutherans.  Perhaps one of the readers who drops by this blog will be there and I can put a face and name with the predominantly anonymous readership known only by the numbers collected at Sitemeter.  If you recognize me, please say hello. BTW, I am going to the conference at Illinois State University.


William Weedon said…
Pr. Engebretson,

I read your blog in my google reader, so it probably doesn't show on sitemeter. But I'll be there - I'm chaplain at Bloomington - so look forward to seeing you in person.
I look forward to meeting you! I don't think that I've had this pleasure previously.
Don't know if you'd know me from Adam, but I'll be there, too. I'll be the one sleeping through my own presentation.

I wish I'd had the good sense to not volunteer to teach for my first HT conference.
Pr. Kornacki - I'll try to find you. I'd like to meet you. Maybe one of us will recognize the other :)
I don't guarantee it, but if you see a corpulent guy with a goatee in an amish straw hat, it might be me. I'm planning on wearing mine--outside, anyway, as I can't afford many more bald spot burnings!

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