Where Has Jesus First and OnWord Gone?

After the synodical elections back in 2009, Jesus First, which is the political action group of the middle to left of Synod, went dormant in 2010.  Nothing more was posted.  In its wake a new organization arose called OnWord, with a decidedly more 'missional' emphasis.  However, after a burst of posts little was added.  Now both sites are out of view.  OnWord claims that the site is "currently undergoing a complete revision."  When bringing up the Jesus First site you encounter the message: "The website you are trying to reach is temporarily unavailable."  The address indicates that it is a "suspended page."  So, like the charismatics of a previous time (RIM - "Renewal in Missouri"), is this political machine going to now disappear as well?  Or is OnWord its next incarnation and it will effectively replace the former site?  Stay tuned....


This is now January 2013 and they are still missing from the internet, an interesting development with a major synodical election just around the corner.....

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