New Year's Goals

It has long been fashionable to set "resolutions" for the new year.  It has also been a running joke how these resolutions are quickly and easily broken.

What follows, then, is not so much a list of resolutions as goals; items I hope to accomplish or at least attempt - some directions to set me on the road for the months to come. They are also reflections on past goals and new year completions. By year's end I'll review and reassess.

1.  Finish the revisions on my thesis, defend, graduate and try to determine what I should do with the degree.  This may seem almost self-evident by now, but it is a goal in the making since 2010 when I first began the degree.  I don't think that I ever doubted my ability to finish it, but I did envision its completion a bit sooner.  My original reason for pursuing the degree is being reevaluated.  I had hoped to one day teach at a post-high school level (college, university, seminary) and knew that I needed more than just my M.Div to compete.  Over the years I realized that this goal may have been a bit unrealistic in certain ways.  First, many positions teaching theology go to those with doctorates, especially Ph.D's (and I simply do not have a goal to go that far, even though it's possible if I tried). Secondly, I'm not sure if even offered a position I would want to relocate at this juncture (largely because of my youngest being in high school).  So I'm considering other options, such as adjunct online teaching and offering to teach overseas for short-term mission trips (such as Luther Academy or Lutheran Heritage Foundation, etc.).  Like my goal with entering the military years earlier, my intent is not necessarily to leave my first calling (local pastoral ministry), but to supplement it.  So, too, with teaching. I see this year therefore as wrapping up the academics that set me on this course, and then exploring and reaching out for possibilities of how to use it to the glory of God.  Unlike my attempt to enter the military before, the goal of graduate work did materialize, and I firmly believe that it was a door that God Himself opened.  Now I need to see where the path beyond that door leads.
2.  Read more.  Too many precious minutes and hours are wasted with the TV and the computer.  It is a plague of our day.  Now I value both for various reasons, but I also see its limits as well.  I saw a challenge online to read 100 books by year's end.  That's a tall order and I'm not really sure one I feel I need to meet.  But I do want to read more and it will take discipline to do so.  This blog, as in the past, will record that reading by occasional reviews.
3.  Be more disciplined in my devotional life.  When I went to Nashotah the spirituality of the place inspired me to become more spiritual myself.  As happens too often, though, I became lax over time and let this fervor wane.  I'm not really concerned to adopt one program and see it through, as I  am to simply make sure time is set aside each day in meditation on God's Word and in prayer.  At present I am using the simple orders of Daily Prayer in Lutheran Worship along with Day by Day We Magnify Thee, a devotional of readings from Martin Luther.  This seems appropriate with the 500th anniversary of his birth approaching.  I need to keep this goal as simple as possible in the interest of keeping consistent.  
4.  Grow in my firefighting skills.  Even after 13 years on the department (I joined in January 2003), I too often feel like a novice. Granted, my original position was that of chaplain, and I feel competent there, although I'd like to add to my skills (more training in CISM, for example).  I became an actual trained firefighter later in March of 2008, which will be 8 years this March.  So I've had less time in this field.  Nevertheless, I need to improve.  Last year I finally finished the EVOC course to improve my driving skills.  I have been trying to learn more about running the engine as well, knowing that given my age I will not always be able to work with hoses and such on the fire ground as I do now.  Each year I take advantage of whatever training is offered, feeling good about increasing my knowledge and skills as a firefighter.  This year I will build on that and try to increase it as well.
5.  Learn or relearn a foreign language.  Rebekah may go on a class trip to a Spanish-speaking country and I may go with her.  I also see value in trying to go back to German.  Whatever I do I need to increase my knowledge in a second language.  I also plan to continue my work with the Greek Study Group that meets on Tuesdays. 
6.  Work on the crossbow.  This past year I purchased a crossbow (as a previous post noted), partly in the interest in extending the hunting season.  Time and weather did not really make that much of a possibility, so I decided to aim for the Fall when the new season begins (September).  I also purchased a range-finder, which is more needed with bows than with firearms.  So I have all the components.  Perhaps taking advantage of the local range in town might be helpful.  We'll see.  This hunting tool takes me to a more simple historical period and I'm excited to learn to master it.
7.  Spend time with those we love.  I know this again sounds self-evident, but too often we let precious moments slip away in the busyness of life.  My older children are very involved in their jobs and educational pursuits, but they also look forward to our visits.  Rebekah will soon be off to college and Carol and I will be empty-nesters for the first time since 1988.  I also want to remember to take the time to be with my cats Jody and Romeo.  They are both growing much older and I want to appreciate them while they are still with me.  2016 could be the year when they pass away.  Time does not stand still.
8.  Write and publish.  The STM allowed me to do my first true writing-for-publishing (LOGIA, 2011).  Now I have the bug to do more.  Although I already have ideas for books, I am thinking that beginning with articles may be a more realistic goal at this point.  So, let's see if I can actually get at least one article published this coming year!
9.   Maintain my diet.  This past year I finally committed to changing the way I eat, mainly for weight loss, but also for better glucose control.  At my best I hit about a 20 pound loss of weight, and my glucose control has been excellent over all, giving me AIC readings of under 6.  So, my goal this year is to continue that and not slip back into old habits.  I like where I am physically and do not want to return to the past. 

Well, I think that's enough of a list for now.  These are items I had already been thinking about, so they are good goals that I have a prior commitment to meet.  May God's will ultimately be done. To Him be all glory!

Looking to a good 2016!!


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