Understanding What the Catholics Really Teach
The other night I was perusing through the book Handling the Word of Truth by John Pless , and ran across a brief discussion of the RC teaching known in Latin as 'ex opere operato ' [Lit: "by the work working," or "from the work having worked."] This is the point that Lutherans usually cry foul regarding what we see as the blatant works righteousness of their sacramental theology. The point comes from the idea that the sacraments are supposedly "beneficial to those who receive them by virtue of 'the doing of the act," as Pless notes. "This turns the gift into a performance that merits grace - a work of human beings rather than the work of the Lord." (94) As I read this I began to think back to a comment I heard on Relevant Radio (the RC popular radio program that specializes in conservative Catholic apologetics, among other things) in one of the sermons by Fr. Corapi . He was commenting on the doctrine of ex opere operat...