Sites to Visit to Keep Abreast of Current Discussions in Synod

To keep abreast of where certain discussions are at with regard to synodical politics and events, I have found the internet invaluable in the last few years. It has been a window on both sides of the issue, liberal and conservative. For those so interested, here are a couple of public discussion boards with very active conversations on current events and topics that concern the LCMS, but also reference the ELCA as well):

ALPB Forum Online (American Lutheran Publicity Bureau):

Luther Quest Discussion Group:

As noted before in this blog, there are also websites that showcase the thinking and theology of where the left side of Missouri is current at. Of the three listed below, one is not really that active, but gives an insight nonetheless:

[Not very active, yet a real window on an unapologetic pro-women's ordination group - note the close connection with Day Star]

Day Star Network:
[The thinking of the left in Missouri and referenced many times in my own blog: currently on a seemingly "anti-clerical-missions" thread...]

Jesus First:
[Seemingly moderate, yet obviously supportive of the Day Star folks; quite inclusive.]

One of the current discussions naturally has been the departure of Dan Woodring to the Roman Catholic Church, which I addressed in a previous article. The discussion boards at the beginning have interesting discussions and insights worth reading. However, there are some blogs you may also want to check out as well to gain further insight if this interests you (as regards both the East and the West):

Beatus Vir (Dan Woodring’s blog)

Pillar and Ground of Truth (Fr. Gregory Hogg’s blog; Hogg left the LCMS to go to the EO)

One Lately Come (Former LCMS pastor who went East as well):

Conversi Ad Domium (Fr. Fenton’s blog; Fenton was also an LCMS pastor to go East; Fenton links some articles worth reading which were written back in 2004 and give insight into the thinking even thenl.):

This Side of the Pulpit (LCMS pastor Christopher Hall):

Finally, one more site for those who might want an insight into some ELCA thinking from a former LCMS professor and now retired in the ELCA:

Crossings (this link is to his "Thursday Theology" articles)


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