New Blog Presents Reactions to CTCR Booklet on Man-Woman Relationships

The presence of blogging from the perspective of the "left" side of Missouri's political spectrum has long seemed absent. Perhaps this is now changing. A new blog (The Creator's Tapestry: A Thoughtful Response) was started back in March as a response to the CTCR's booklet The Creator's Tapestry: Scriptural Perspectives on Man-Woman Relationships in Marriage and the Church. This study was commissioned a long time ago, but only recently completed and released to the church-at-large. As a pastor I received a copy, but admittedly have not studied it in any depth. At first glance the contents did not seem to reverse the current teaching of the Synod, so I was not too concerned. You can find an online copy of the study for yourself by linking here.

One should have anticipated that those in the DayStar crowd would be upset and would waste no time critiquing and condemning the report as an inferior piece of scholarship and a travesty to the equal rights of woman in the church today. The usual participants are involved - Marie Meyer, Dr. Matthew Becker, to name the most recent and well-known from this group. It will be interesting to follow them now that they are more open in cyberspace.

Rather than quote large sections of what they wrote here, I will simply encourage the interested reader to link to the blog itself. Becker and Meyer are very indicative of the thinking in the LCMS that is strongly pro-women's ordination, and should not be ignored by any who wish to be close to the pulse of what is currently being discussed out there. Whether their voice is heard and heeded in any official and substantive way remains to be seen. For now it seems that it is a voice on the fringe, but I may be wrong. For that reason I keep reading and reporting....

P.S. Read of the beginnings of a new group called the "St. Louis Seven" here. It almost appears that this group and site constitute the resurrection of the Voices/Vision folks who recently disappeared from cyberspace.

Also note that there seem to be two sites at work here - a blog and a more polished web page. Check here for the developed web site ( At one point in the scrolling pictures on the home page you see the word "Voices" alone. One wonders, as hinted above, if this indeed is not the successor to the Voices/Vision people who pushed so hard to put women's ordination out front in the Missouri Synod.


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