Another Icon Passes

With the recent passing of Oral Robert s (1918-2009), I was reminded of the significant personalities that once impacted the religious landscape in my younger years. Growing up my parents would reg ularly tune into the Billy Graham (b. 1918) televised crusade, and like thousands of Americans had good Southern Baptist theology conveniently taught in our own living rooms. Graham, bar none, certainly ranks as one of the most influential religious figures of the previous century. Oral Roberts, while recognized today as "a towering figure in 20th century American Christianity" (AP, Eric Gorski, 12-16-09), failed to make much of an impression on my still very Lutheran family. He may have made Pentecostalism mainstream even before the Charismatic movement came into being, but it remained over the top for the religious tastes of the more staid Lutherans of the Midwest. Other personalities, however, made greater and more positive impressions. Robert Schull er (b. 1926) and his...