How Far Apart We Really Are
Over at the Crossings web site of Ed Schroeder an article is posted that demonstrates so well the differences between the ELCA and LCMS today. In "In Washington, Missouri too -- It's
a Time for Confessing," Robin Morgan responds to an ad placed in a local newspaper by LCMS clergy wishing to clarrify the differences between the two denominations, especially in light of the recent decisions at their national assembly. The Missouri pastors specifically enumerate the doctrines they wish to confess, while the ELCA pastor wishes to counter with an "actions speak louder than words" approach by elevating their work among the poor and disadvantaged. Not once does she address the core issues that truly separate these two large Lutheran denominations. In fact, she even defends the "open communion" practice so prevelent in the ELCA. It is as is she says, "Those issues (such as gay clergy, abortion, higher critical approach to the scriptures, etc.) are incidental. They don't matter as much as what we do on the streets for those in need. We are are welcoming church. You simply close doors." How sad that she doesn't really understand the need to clearly confess as well as to care. One goes with the other. They are not mutually exclusive. Also, one can care for the poor and still end up denying the Word and jepordizing the eternal welfare of people in the process. How sad she cannot see this.

Thank you for your comment and observations!
Liberals got abortion laws into the books one step at a time. If we start allowing variance from Lutheran doctrine, the same could end up happening to our synod, and they already have a foot in the door.