Rev. Matthew Harrison's Words After Election Results Were Announced
I suppose one could call this an "acceptance speech," but the tone was more subdued and tempered than what one might expect with such a speech. Hearing him actually speak these words adds much to the gravity of his presentation. However, if downloading it is not an option, or you have dial up like me, this printed version may serve just as well. Congratulations, Pastor Harrison, as the newly elected president of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. You will be in our prayers.
If one member suffers, all suffer together. If one rejoices, all rejoice together. Right now there are many rejoicing and there are many suffering. Luther says when you're walking along and you strike your little toe on a chair or table leg, what happens is the whole body bends over, the face grimaces and grabs that little toe. There's no use saying 'it's just a little toe,' because the whole body suffers.
This, I realize, is a tumultuous change in the life of our Synod. I wish to thank President Kieschnick for his heart for evangelism and his deep desire to move the Synod forward. Many are suffering, and it will be very challenging times to work together.
I wish to inform you that you have kept your perfect record of electing sinners as presidents of the Missouri Synod. I guarantee you I will sin and fail. I will fall short. I will sin against you. I wish also to say that right now I forgive all who have in any way sinned against me or anybody else, and plead your forgiveness for anything I said or did that offended you.
I beg of you your prayers. I beg of you your daily prayers and intercession. These are challenging times. I promise you that I will be as straight with you as I possibly can, to the best of my ability, guided by the spirit of God. I pledge to you that I will not coerce you. I will do my best by the Word of Christ to lead with the generous Gospel of Jesus Christ, which forgives us all of our sins and motivates us to love and care for our neighbor in mercy and compassion.
And I will work as hard as I possibly can for unity around the clear and compelling Word of God and nothing else.
I'm so impressed by you at this convention, how you've borne with one another, been patient, asked for forgiveness. This is the greatest privilege and honor of one's life, to stand before this body in this fashion. I could never imagine it. And I pray the Lord will bless you in the days to come, to work for unity and love and compassion, that the Gospel of Christ may go forth from all of us in every single place everywhere around the world, that many may know, many, many more may know the Gospel of Jesus for eternal life. The Lord be with you.
I think our new Pres.-elect was referring to LW 69:78, in the new series of Luther's Works (CPH). Great stuff!